Nestled in the foothills of a luscious mountain range, lies the work of a family that emanates their passion for sustainability as well as creating a modern living space that engages with individuals seeking a sanctuary.
Nestled in the foothills of a luscious mountain range in Australia, lies the work of a family that emanates their passion for sustainability as well as creating a modern living space that engages with individuals seeking a sanctuary.
Gawthorne’s Hut has been strategically designed to incite an understanding of minimalism and also space. With its open-plan interior, one can experience first hand the option for living simplistically without the need to sacrifice.
This space has been curated to open up a different method of thinking, combining farm living with the modern world. The owners have covered every detail of this small home to make it logical to understand and user-friendly to relax into. From sustainable bricks to a natural built structure one feels at home with the merge of materials.
The goal of this space is to open up ones understanding to the bigger picture of your impact on this planet and prove that we can exist gently yet functionally.
Looking for more architectural inspiration? Check out this tiny home in Mansfield Australia.