VISI’s latest special issue offer alfresco inspiration from relaxed lounging and tableware to cool pools and planters.
This photo is about as relaxed as it is possible for me to get, and there are two reasons for this.
One, I’m on holiday. Two, I’m sitting on a roof patio, about to have a glass of wine and an informal supper made with ingredients sourced from the village market. Of course, the Provençal backdrop plays a part, but much of it has to do with that particularly relaxed state you get from enjoying the outdoor space of your home.
The home in this instance is a tall and thin 19th-century house in Venasque that belongs to my sister-in-law. It’s not very big and has no garden – but it does have a small roof terrace with a dining space sheltered in an alcove, where we would have supper every evening.
Even at this modest scale, the outside space offers that particular sense of ease that only alfresco meals bring to the table.
In this special issue of VISI, we bring you the latest international and local outdoor living trends, plus expert advice to inspire your own outside spaces. From furniture and tableware to pools and even some delicious recipes for your outdoor cooker, VISI Outdoor Living is an ode to alfresco entertaining and enjoying life.
– Steve Smith, Editor |
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