WORDS Annemarie Meintjies
This is the first time a congress of this magnitude has been held in Sub-Saharan Africa, constituting the largest gathering of architectural, design and environmental professionals in the country.
The Union of International Architects (UIA) organises a world congress every three years and this is its silver jubilee. This year’s theme (Architecture OTHERWHERE) celebrated diversity by exploring other communities, regions, disciplines and ways of thinking about, practicing and teaching architecture.
Days were spent engaging with students and professionals from around the world – in conversation, debates, lectures and tributes, or simply over a craft beer or delicious curry. Not only was the weather in Durban perfect and the venues exciting, international delegates gave the congress an exotic flair.
A whopping 350 sessions took place in 38 venues over 5 days, kicking off with the spectacular Corobrik-South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) gala dinner, of which all award-winning projects (barring five) were featured in VISI over the last two years. Proud moment!
Apart from events in the main venue, like Japan Forum: Beyond Disaster, through solidarity, towards sustainability: Toyo Ito, the fringe kept the delegates running not to miss out. Highlights included:
· The Informal Studio: Marlboro South exhibition
· The Rivertown Precinct project, which includes the refurbishment of the classic Beer Hall building
· Faith47 at work in the Warwick Triangle. (Watch this teaser!)
· The Durban International Film Festival
· Architect Africa Film Festival
· The UFS Department of Architecture’s Sophia Gray exhibition (the first female Architect in South Africa)
· A well-stocked Book Lounge, of course!
For more information about UIA 2014 Durban: Architecture OTHERWHERE, visit uia2014durban.org.