WORDS Amelia Brown IMAGES courtesy of Billie Zangewa and blank projects
FNB JoburgArtFair has announced that Malawian-born Joburg-based artist Billie Zangewa, known for her intricate hand-stitched collages, is the featured artist for the fair’s 2018 installment.
The Fair Director, Mandla Sibeko, shared how the team felt it was time to focus on an artist who lives and works in Joburg and whose work expresses the lives lived there. Billie primarily uses raw silk offcuts to create her flat, colourful, figurative collages that explore gender-, race-, and class-based oppression through scenes of apparent mundane domesticity.
Billie’s work is represented in several notable private and public collections, including the Tate Modern, Stedelijk Museum and the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art collections. She has exhibited extensively, both locally and internationally, including at the MASS MoCA (2017), Stedelijk Museum (2017), Studio Museum Harlem (2016), Iziko South African National Gallery (2016), and the Johannesburg Art Gallery (2016), amongst others.
View Billie’s work at the FNB JoburgArtFair, from 7 to 9 September 2018, and stay up to date with her projects through her gallery blank projects.