Casa AS by Mário Alves Arquiteto

WORDS Gina Dionisio PHOTOS Ivo Tavares Studio

Situated on an isolated slope with expansive views of Santa Maria da Feira, Casa AS takes advantage of the natural characteristics of its plot, seamlessly melding the indoors with the landscape.

Mário Alves Arquiteto, a Portuguese architecture firm known for its minimalist aesthetics, wanted to integrate Casa AS with its natural surroundings, taking advantage of the open views and skyline. The architects focused on creating a functional and visually appealing home, using angular forms and materials, like cork, that blended with the environment.

Casa AS by Mário Alves Arquiteto

The slight incline of the plot was perfect for creating a simple, continuous design, allowing the house to flow “outwards” towards the horizon. The interior spaces of Casa AS are designed to seamlessly connect the interior and exterior through large glass panels, blurring the boundary between inside and outside. This creates a sense of space that is both physically and visually expansive.

Casa AS by Mário Alves Arquiteto

The social areas of the home serve as a connection between the street and the more private areas of the house, effectively turning transitional spaces into living areas. The private areas of the house receive ample sunlight and are situated in a secluded, recessed space for added privacy.

Casa AS by Mário Alves Arquiteto

The flat white roof, designed to control solar exposure, physically represents the horizon line in the house’s design. The architects used cork as a key design element in constructing the facade. The sustainable material has excellent thermal insulating properties and integrates seamlessly with the natural greenery of the house’s surroundings. |

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