Architect Africa Film Festival 2016

WORDS Michaela Stehr

The Architect Africa Film Festival 2016 focuses on film as a means of communication and engagement with a selection of curated works.

The festival will also revolve around the topics of Architecture as a Universal Language; Architecture as a Language of Global Capitalism and Architecture as Local Engagement.

Opened to local productions, emerging filmmakers and students, the selection panel comprises of Professors Lesley Lokko, Lone Poulsen, and Jyoti Mistry, in collaboration with curator Dr Costanza la Mantia.

Highlights for the festival include the following productions:

The Arcades Project 2.0 (2015) and Keeping the City in Line? (2015)

Director: Thomas Aquilina & Alex Lyons

A Place to call Home (2015)

Director: Briar March

Excuse me while I disappear (2014)

Director: Michael MacGarry

Fictions: en route City (2016)

Director: Kgao Mashego

Watch trailers below of some of the films that will be showcased during the course of the festival.

Video credit: JonasSunshine on YouTube

Video credit: yorkstreetfilms on YouTube

Video credit: Mahera Omar on YouTube

The Architect Africa Film Festival 2016 (#AAFF2016) will be held at The Bioscope in Maboneng, Johannesburg from 23 – 26 June 2016.

Booking is open via For more information, visit