Montagu Guesthouse

WORDS Jacques Erasmus PHOTOS Micky Hoyle

Built in 1856, a renovated Cape Dutch house in Montagu is now a guest-house annexe and garden-produce shop.

Sometimes, a house chooses you. It’s what happened to Jacques Erasmus of Hemelhuijs fame and Hein Liebenberg, who used to work in the corporate world, while they were knee-deep in restoring their Jonkmanshof guesthouse in Montagu. They naturally assumed that a quick viewing of a Cape Dutch house for sale down the street would be merely for interest’s sake…

A heady fragrance of citrus blossoms and a wild dove flying down from an olive tree to perch on Jacques’s shoulder were auspices that the couple were destined to renovate a second property in Montagu.


Their vision for the house? Additional rooms to accommodate guests when Jonkmanshof is fully booked, and a garden-produce shop to share the bounty of their land.

And the result? A sensitive reimagining of a slice of Platteland history.

For more information, visit

Looking for more architectural inspiration? Take a look this Jacques ErasmusMontagu country-style home.