WATCH: The Embroidery of Cayce Zavaglia

WORDS Mary Garner VIDEO Jesse Brass on VIMEO

Artist Cayce Zavaglia, who grew up in Australia, creates detailed embroidered artworks using cotton thread and wool.

In her pieces, she aims to capture the simple beauty of everyday life, ordinary people and their individual hidden stories.

“Over the years, I have developed a sewing technique that allows me to blend colours and establish tonalities that resemble the techniques used in classical oil painting,” she states on her website. “The direction in which the threads are sewn mimic the way brush marks are layered within a painting, which, in turn, allows for the allusion of depth, volume, and form.”

Cayce admits that she is unable to do a portrait of someone she doesn’t know. Instead, she chooses to embroider the faces of those she knows intimately. “I think there’s something about doing people that I know intimately that puts something into the portrait that I can’t put into words,” she shares in the clip.

View more of Cayce’s work at