WATCH: Gwyneth Leech’s Painted Buildings

WORDS Lindi Brownell Meiring VIDEO via Angelo G on Vimeo

New York-based artist Gwyneth Leech always admired the view of the city from her 13th floor studio window.

She began painting the familiar cityscape at different times of the day in different seasons, capturing the way in which the light hit each building in different ways.

gwyneth leech

“It kind of transcended the confines of the city,” says Gwyneth. “It was always full of fresh possibility. Part of my daily practice was doing something with that view: either a photo, or a painting or sometimes drawing it on my coffee cup.” In fact, Gwyneth has even exhibited hundreds of the cups she’s transformed.

After discovering that a new building was being erected directly in front of her view, Gwyneth was initially unhappy, but soon decided to embrace the construction process.

In the above clip, discover how she documented the progress through a series of paintings.