Take a seat : Karoo chair, R1 745, Woodbender, woodbender.co.za, 021 854 6034|
Good morning! : Dualit toaster, R2 720, Yuppiechef.com|
COMPILED BY Klara van Wyngaarden
Cheer up your kitchen with some bright spot colours. Since the kitchen is the heart of the home, you’ll see the mood-enhancing effects touch your entire life! Here are four tips to keep in mind.
When you choose a brightly coloured appliance, remember that you will have to live with it for a while so choose a hue that suits your personal tastes, rather than fleeting trends.
That said, the retro look, with 50s and 60s colours such as green and orange, is very popular at the moment.
Parsley or basil in a self-watering plant holder provide natural colour on your windowsill.
You can revitalise an old cabinet yourself. Takes inspiration from the Pantone colour of the year, emerald green, or a nice apple green, such as Plascon’s Granny Apple, Jungle Green or Green Mumba.