Architecture Die man van nuwe hoogtes Architecture June 7, 2013 Die man van nuwe hoogtes Argitek Henning Rasmuss gesels met Nechama Brodie oor ’n paar van die landskappe wat sy loopbaan help vorm het. Full Article
Architecture Man on a high-rise Architecture June 5, 2013 Man on a high-rise Architect of the Cape Town Stadium, Henning Rasmuss’s Paragon Architects is also responsible for Sandton’s newest highlights: the Norton Rose Towers at 15 Alice Lane and the new Alexander Forbes building on 115 West Street. Full Article
Architecture Big ideas in Pretoria Architecture May 27, 2013 Big ideas in Pretoria Where do “big ideas” begin? Is it about pushing the boundaries of technology or is it to be found in the simple things around us? This was the hot topic of conversation at the PIA Idea Design Conference 2013 held from 23 to 24 May in the capital city. Full Article