Four Big Kitchen Trends for 2017/2018

WORDS Amelia Brown

Founder and creative director of Cape Town-based specialist events and design company Something Different Kate Shepherd shares her top kitchen trends.


“Traditionally kitchens have always been bright, light and white,” Kate explains. “We are absolutely loving these deep, rich dark kitchens: Navy blue, dark green or matt grey paired with metallics, trendy terrazzo marble, interesting accents and exclusive shapes or patterned tiles.” As well as being moody and modern, it’s unexpected and sophisticated, says Kate. Plus introducing a new colour scheme can be quite a simple DIY kitchen update you can achieve simply by painting your cupboards.


Tiles are the perfect accent piece, according to Kate. They can be the main feature throughout your kitchen, provide beauty underfoot, or just add detail near your cupboards or sink. “From traditional tiles with cultural motifs, to metallic or unique patterns, tiling customises and personalises the space.”


“Charming copper pots are our must-have this season,” says Kate. Hang them, stack two or three, or display them against a feature wall, she advises. “You can continue to add to your collection and build it over time. They’re really an exquisite practical item and life-long investment, heirlooms even.”


Focal or feature lighting is essential, says Kate. “Lighting has great scope and adds personality to your space whatever your style – industrial, modern, traditional. We’re loving oversized metallic and uniquely shaped pendants.” Check out some gorgeous trendy pendants here.