Andy’s Meat Mandate

WORDS Malibongwe Tyilo

Andy Fenner, co-owner of Frankie Fenner, will be part of the line-up of speakers at the upcoming Spier Secret Festival on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 October.

As anyone who’s popped into the shop (which won a Loerie design award last year) on Cape Town’s Kloof Street or has visited the website would know, the ethical meat supplier’s (Andy is very clear on this, it’s not a butchery) focus is on the farmers, and how the animals were fed and treated.

“We’re ethical meat suppliers. All the beef is grass-fed, which is really important. Grain-fed commercial beef can’t compare,” Andy has said in the past. He also recently returned from attending Rene Redzepi’s MADSymposium in Copenhagen. Billed as a “grassroots celebration of flavour and good eating”, the festival prides itself on being an open and collaborative forum, casually discussing all things food related with some of the biggest names in the industry.

So come Friday 25 October at the Spier Secret Festival, Andy will deliver his Meat Mandate: “I still don’t see myself as an expert, but I have learnt loads over the past few years and I learn a bit more every single day. I’m just going to tell my story and hopefully people will dig it.”

Oh well Andy, you modest man you, we’ve sampled your meat and we’re think you’re every bit an expert, and we’ll be there to receive your meat, mandate. 

Visit Frankie Fenner Meat Merchants at

The Spier Secret Festival takes place at the Spier wine farm in Stellenbosch. Visit to find out more.

VISI is giving away a double ticket to Spier Secret Festival’s interactive Marije Vogelzang dinner on Friday 25 October. Read more about the festival and enter here.