COMPILED BY Lindi Brownell Meiring
We took a browse through Society6’s massive range of cushion covers, from bright and colourful to simply chic, designed by artists across the globe.
Here, we picked 25 of our favourites that we simply had to share with you.
P.S. Society6 ships worldwide.
1. You Asleep Yet?, designed by Laura Graves
2. Alpacas, designed by Cat Coquillette
3. Emerald and Copper Cover, designed by Elisabeth Fredriksson
4. Gold Rush, designed by 83 Oranges
5. Graphic 150 A, designed by Marieke Böhmer
6. Marble and Pale Dogwood Colour, designed by Santo Sagese
7. Minimal Complexity, designed by .eg.
8. Tropical Gold, designed by Cat Coquillette
9. U, designed by MADEYOUL__K
10. Watercolour Cacti and Succulent, designed by Vicky Webb
11. Watermelon, designed by Anna Dorfmann
12. Barricade, designed by Tracie Andrews
13. Black Cat, designed by Maloriz Home
14. Concrete and Lapis Blue Colour, designed by Santo Sagese
15. Coral, designed by Ktparkinson
16. Dive, designed by Richard Vergez
17. March 1927, designed by Three Of The Possessed
18. Modern Scandinavian Multi Colour Curve Graphic, designed by Season of Victory
19. Orange Slices Pattern Design, designed by Katerina Kirilova
20. Popoki, designed by Littleclyde
21. The Dark Mountains, designed by Steve Wade (Swade)
22. Word 2 The Herd V1, designed by Jonah Makes Arstuff
23. Fisher Fox, designed by Teagan White
24. Go Out, designed by Roland Banrevi
25. Succulents Tiny Pots, designed by Mia Valdez