World Origami Day: 17 Instagram Favourites

WORDS Michaela Stehr

To celebrate World Origami Day we’ve compiled a list of 17 of our favourite pieces from across Instagram. From super cute critters to a life-sized car, these paper folds seriously impress!

#origami #cerf #essai #numero1

A photo posted by Amelie Akanfly (@amelie_akanfly) on

#origami #eagle #NguyenHungCuong #wings #silver #bird #wild #nature #J.R. A photo posted by Rojo (@origami_rojo) on

Halloween Origami Fledermaus #origami #halloween

A photo posted by Martin (@natmbu) on

Last waltz #Origami #paperfolding

A photo posted by Ana Sofia (@galletitadejengibre) on

#Origami Swan 2015 wet folded from 1 uncut square, Arches watercolor paper 300gsm #htquyet #paper #art

A photo posted by Hoàng Tiến Quyết (@htquyet) on

Video credit: NissanUK on