Decor Smart Idea: Life after potholes Decor May 14, 2014 Smart Idea: Life after potholes Do not despair when you have to replace a tyre (or two) due to the state of our urban roads. Rather, why not reclaim your damaged goods and transform them into seats? Full Article
Decor Smart Idea: Life After Sushi Decor April 29, 2014 Smart Idea: Life After Sushi Oh dear, what to do with all those chopsticks now that the sushi craze is so last season… Full Article
Design Serenity at the seaside Design February 17, 2011 Serenity at the seaside Imagine being able to enjoy an island holiday as often as you please. Guillaume and Heidi Masson have made this dream their reality — and the best part is, it’s a mere five hours’ drive from Cape Town. Full Article
Decor Bare essentials Decor February 15, 2011 Bare essentials In the heart of the Mother City, two foreigners sit cooling their toes in the pool of their newly renovated abode. For now, Holland is their home and Cape Town a mere holiday destination. Full Article
Architecture The magic faraway tree Architecture February 10, 2011 The magic faraway tree Nestling in a cove of milkwoods is a xanadu of a modern home. The owners named it “umthunzi”, Zulu for “meeting place under the trees”. Full Article