Smart Idea: Storage Boxes

storage boxes

PHOTOS Marijke Willems PRODUCTION AND WORDS Annemarie Meintjes

Small-space living creates special storage needs. Fix wheels to plastic storage boxes and wheel them into gaps or out of sight as required.

When filled with clutter, any box over a very small size gets too heavy to lift and shift around easily. Which is where putting them on wheels comes in, so you can move them in and out of sight effortlessly.

• Most hardware stores carry a large selection of castors online or in store, and the prices all depend on size. Make sure you buy castors that swivel – and they should also be the kind with brakes, so your storage doesn’t make a run for it.

• Fix four swivel castors to the four corners of the bottom of a plastic storage box with double-sided carpet tape to keep the castors in place.

• Drill holes for the screws through the base of the box and secure them on the inside of the box.

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