Rainy day cheer

PRODUCTION Marian van Wyk PHOTO Jan Ras

Rain, rain, go away, come back another day… Not many of us enjoy rain but at least your entrance hall doesn’t have to look as gray as the clouds out there. Chase the polar bears with cheerful primary colors, a fun doormat and chic umbrellas, says stylist Marian van Wyk.

Is winter beating your entrance hall into a mess with everyone shedding their woolies? Here’s a plan:

  • Hang your keys on the wall or put them in a beautiful ceramic bowl.
  • Find a place for the mail a simple clip or container should do the trick.
  • No umbrella stand? Stand them up in gumboots.
  • A classic wall hook unit will keep hats and raincoats neat.
  • Have a storage container available for scarves and gloves.
  • Put your foot down firmly for the rest!

Originally published in Rapport MytydSubscribe here.

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