Mantua’s Sophisticated Silkwear

WORDS Michaela Stehr

Mantua Silkwear scarves, which are locally crafted in Stellenbosch, aim to transcend trends, creating designs that are multifunctional, versatile and not limited to a particular season.

Owned by textile and clothing designer Juandi Andrag, the multi-purpose scarves are inspired by art and the way silk reacts against the skin.

“Mantua Silkwear is a South African clothing and luxury accessory range made exclusively from silk,” she explains, “Our unique scarves, distinct in-house prints and individually painted garments are second skins to slip on, breathe along and walk the way with.”

Each individual garment is either hand-painted and cut, or made from printed silk exclusively designed by Mantua. A variety of limited-edition runs are also produced regularly.

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