COMPILED BY Cheri Morris
The exciting time has come for the tenth annual Haute Lumière Light Competition – entries are now open and your design could take you all the way to Sweden.
THE BRIEF: Light in the Landscape
Design a luminaire that provides light in a landscape of your choice – be it a forest, rocky outcrop, desert, meadow, water landscape, garden or park. Think of the kind of light it emits and its relationship to the form of the object. Consider the purpose of light in the landscape and how the two meet. How does the light touch and interact with stone, leaves, grass, water and sand? The luminaire can be freestanding, mounted into the ground or suspended from trees.
Aspects to consider:
- Light pollution/dark sky
- Glare
- Light intensity and colour temperature
- Type of light source
- Waterproofing (IP rating)
- Power supply
Submit a set of drawings (plans, elevations, sections and perspective) with a scaled maquette and material samples that indicate scale with a written description, on the intent and philosophy. The presentation should not be larger than A3 format and on no more than three single sheets.
The entrant’s contact details must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, which bears a self-compiled seven digit code. The maquette, design drawings and description must be marked with the same code. To ensure anonymity the jury will only open the envelopes after selecting the five designs that will go forward into Stage Two. The authors of the five designs selected will be invited to a day workshop on light at Pamboukian Lightdesign in Johannesburg, before embarking on a larger investigation. They will be given the opportunity to re-look at and refine their concepts.
Registration is open from now until 6 July 2017 and the submission deadline is noon on 7 July 2017. Submissions are to be sent to: SA Fashion Week, Design District, Second Floor, Cnr. 7th & Keyes Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, Johannesburg.
Entries will be evaluated on the basis of the exploration of light as a medium, not the refinement of a complete design. A panel of expert judges, including VISI’s own Assistant Editor Annemarie Meintjes, will evaluate both Stage One: the selection of five designs to be taken forward and constructed as prototypes and Stage 2: the selection of a winner.
Email bongisa@ppald.com for further information.