Haute Lumière 2013 winners

PHOTO David Ross WORDS Malibongwe Tyilo 

The annual Haute Lumière Light Award is the premier celebration of all things innovative and inventive when it comes to light design. Designers are pushed to explore the limits of their creativity.

Last year, the organisers pushed even further, as they encouraged the designers to move beyond objects like desk lamps and side lamps.

Instead, entrants were invited to imagine an empty room or box, in white or any colour of their choice. Then, using contrast, shadow, line, shape, texture, reflection and refraction, they had to define the imagined space with light.

Five finalists were selected and, after deliberation, Amy Phillips was chosen as the winner. Her prize includes having her light installation built with the help of the other four finalists and shown at SA Fashion Week in April. She will also get to attend the PLDA Lights workshop in Alingsås, Sweden, led by leading European lighting designers.

The award is presented in association with VISI magazine and is sponsored by Paul Pamboukian Lighting Design, ELDC, Regent Designs, LED Lighting SA and SA Fashion Week. Read judge Paul Pambou­kian’s opinions and insights on the five finalists’ work in the captions above.

Find out how to enter this year’s Haute Lumière Light Competition 2014 here.