“Sitting in the same position for eight hours a day is just as bad as if you were standing for the same duration,” says Jessica Hutchings, ergonomics consultant, and secretary of the Ergonomics Society of SA. Here’s how to make your office work for you.
1. Lighten up
Make sure there is adequate lighting to avoid eyestrain and eye fatigue, which leads to tension headaches. Get a desk lamp if necessary.
2. Shield the windows
If you have windows, avoid glare on the computer screen by using blinds or curtains. In terms of layout, neither you nor the computer should face a window. Also use the windows for ventilation and temperature control.
3. Lift your laptop
Using a laptop without a stand is one of the most common and detrimental ergonomic mistakes. Sitting upright, imagine a horizontal line in front of you, your screen should be 15° below that line. A laptop on its own is too low, so you end up straining your neck and shoulders forward. The laptop stand raises the screen so that it is the correct viewing distance.
4. Take enough breaks
It’s important to take physical breaks where you get off your chair and move around, but also give your eyes a rest by taking a break from your screens – and that doesn’t mean swapping to your iPad or cellphone! A nifty trick is not to place printers right next to your computer so that you are forced to walk a bit.
5. Stretch your legs
There should be enough legroom and space underneath your desk so that every now and then you can stretch your legs out in front of you without hitting them.
6. The all-important chair
Before you spend a lot of money on an expensive chair that isn’t actually good for you, consult an ergonomist. The major features of an ergonomic chair are that it’s height-adjustable, has an inclining backrest that provides support for the entire back (from lower back to neck), is cushioned to avoid circulation problems, and has height-adjustable cushioned armrests. We know most chairs don’t have armrests, which is bad because it leaves the arms unsupported, placing all the strain on the shoulders.
7. Round the desk edges
The edges of a desk should not be sharp. If your forearms and wrists are pressing against a sharp edge, it will cause compression of nerves in the soft tissue that can lead to a muscular-skeletal disorder. It’s also good to get a mouse pad with a cushion support for your wrist.
8. Elbow line up
If you’re sitting on your chair and typing, the height of your desk should be in line with your elbow. If not, adjust the height of your chair – or table, but most people don’t have a height-adjustable table.
For more information on ergonomics in the work place visit: hfeconsulting.co.za and ergonomicssa.com