Felicia Chiao Illustrates Imaginative Worlds

WORDS Cheri Morris

Felicia Chiao‘s illustrations depict curious worlds dotted with even more curious creatures – anonymous humanoids interlace with ethereal figures and genial worms to deliver ogle-worthy artwork that delights.

Look closely into corners and backdrops to see ornate details that add a welcome excess of charm and wonder – miniature beer bottles tip over to fill rooms swimming with fish, light-fixture wiring wraps the bends of a black worm’s body and dumpy pigeons don crowns.

Using art to de-stress and navigate emotions, Felicia balances her awe-inspiring aesthetic with more expressive and emotional undertones. Professionally, Felicia is an industrial designer and her imaginatively illustrated worlds serve simply as a counterpoint to her professional life. She never intended for her more selfish drawings to resonate so deeply with the art-loving community.

Love Felicia’s illustrations? Get yours in print from Society6, and follow her on Instagram (@feliciachiao).

(h/t) thisiscolossal.com